The Minutes One day when I was five years old, my father took me to his work. A stupid idea, you think? Well yes. As you can imagine, I wasn't very impressed by the endless rows of similar-looking offices, the serious people in a constant hurry, and the coffee machines with no hot chocolate option. Obviously, I started complaining. Something I'm proud to say, I was pretty good at. My poor father, desperate to entertain me in some way, grabbed one of the markers and started drawing on the board.
I sat there in disbelief. He had never drawn anything in his life. But that random Friday in 1997 she was there, doing some lines to get his daughter to stop whining. It looked like this... I immediately knew what it was. Despite his crooked ears Brazil Mobile Number List the parts that didn't connect, and my father's obvious lack of artistic talent. What I didn't know was that my father had just given me a perfect example of the power of human perception . What I didn't know was that someone had already written books about it, created theories around it, discussed it with other scientists.
Lastly, what I didn't know was that this phenomenon had formed a crucial part of how we design websites today. This, ladies and gentlemen, was one of my first conscious experiences of what we all know as " Gestalt principles ." The curiosity, the lights and the vacation that never happened A few hundred years before I walked into my father's office, a 30-year-old German philosopher and psychologist named Max Wertheimer boarded the train from Vienna to the Rhineland . It was the summer of 1910 and he was on his way to begin his well-deserved vacation when something caught his attention.